Every farmer starts with ERTL

In America, most farms are owned and operated by multi-generation families. It becomes the heart and soul of the family, with everyone being involved. The adults do the majority of the work, with the children taking on more of a role every year of their lives. With that said, for most farm kids, farming is […]

The Origin of John Deere

John Deere has been a household name now for more than a century. The company is known around the world for its prowess as one of the largest agricultural manufacturers in the world. However, few know how the company got its start. With that being said, today I will be telling the story of the […]

John Deere’s role in WWII

Today, I am doing something a little different. In an attempt to try to show just how involved John Deere has been in the United States in areas other than agriculture, I am going to be writing about John Deere’s role in World War II. During wartime in America, we as a country were in […]

The Waterloo Boy

Today I am going back, way back, to 1917. In 1918, America was a changing place. World War I had just ended, and we were at the tail end of the industrial revolution. During this time in pre-depression America, we had a lack of agricultural infrastructure. We still plowed fields with horses, harvested by hand, […]

The John Deere 4960

The John Deere 4960 was a mid-size row crop tractor whose reign in the agriculture industry ran from 1992 to 1994. This tractor is a staple of American agriculture from the mid 90’s. This tractor came out of Waterloo, Iowa made to do just about anything you could imagine. Most commonly, this tractor pulled planters, […]

The John Deere WA-17

Today I am coming to you with a very interesting series from John Deere. The John Deere WA-17 was a large size articulated tractor built in Portland, Oregon by Wagner under contract with John Deere. These tractors were built for horsepower, as they were made to be used in the logging industry in the Pacific […]

The John Deere 4020

In 1963, John Deere released the successor to its renowned 4010: the 4020. The John Deere 4020 is another one of those tractors John Deere produced in the mid 20th century that defined agriculture in its entirety. The 4020 was produced from 1963 to 1972. Still to this day, you can find 4020’s from California […]

John Deere 4640: an overview

On farms throughout the United States, as well as the world, the John Deere 4640 proved to be the versatile, heavy duty tractor farmers in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s needed to carry out their many jobs on the farm. This tractor was capable of doing most jobs on the farm, such as mowing […]